hello, weekend!

posted on: March 08, 2010

changing it up a bit (just for this weekend)!
sorry the post is comin' in a little late today.
been really fortunate being able to spend some q.t. with some amazing peoples!

just thought this needed a post on it's own...
it's moments like the following that enrich my life and provide me with a glimpse of unexpected beauty!

a stranger turned friend...

meet betty.

betty spends time with these birds every sunday. 
she feeds them, and loves on them! 
they flock her car when she arrives!

look at that bird catching his lunch! he he

i can't get enough of betty...
or the birds.

thinking i may be seeing more of them soon.

a lovely week to you!


  1. awwwwwwww, that's soo cute that the birds love and can rely on betty to come play with them every sunday! that is too adorable! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the time lapsed photo you took, it's soo awesome! you need to teach me your photography skills someday, jennifer! =)

  2. wow, beautiful betty seems like she probably has a treasure trove of stories to tell! and your photos - i've never seen seagulls look so dreamy!

  3. I LOVE this post. It is so very sweet, and her smile looks so genuinely happy!


  4. this is just about the most amazing thing ever. how incredible that you were able to meet betty and capture these moments. perfect.

  5. She is gorgeous and you captured this in the most beautiful light, literally and figuratively. Thanks for sharing this!

  6. Thanks for letting us publish Betty on our site, Jennifer! Lovely photos.


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