cookie splash

posted on: January 22, 2010

cookies have never looked so good!

have you seen siebe's amazing cookie splash project?
so so fun!




want to do your own cookie splash?
follow siebe's simple instructions!

1. take a cool cup to capture
2. fill it with coffee almost till the edge
3. focus the camera manual on the glass
4. be sure you've got a short exposure time (high iso makes that possible)
5. set the camera on burst mode (continuous shooting)
6. grab a tiny heavy object like a egg or something like that.
7. press the shutter and drop it!



  1. erm...story of my life. i spill everything. my middle name is Macky MacKlutz.

  2. I love these pics! I am for sure going to try this!

  3. F*cking amazing! I love it! Gotta repost this sometime. Thanks for sharing, bb!

  4. these are cool! i may have to try this as soon as i get a few minutes! thanks for sharing :)


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